7/16 7:16
July 16, 2009 - 11 years ago, I completed treatment for stage 3 cervical cancer. I had no idea what my fate would be. I learned something during that time. Something that I carry with me even til this day...
I’ve got a lot of fight in me! My life took a 180 degree turn after diagnosis, all for the better. I’m not the same woman. I’ve evolved in a drastic kinda way. Some people grow as they age. I’ve evolved. It’s deeper. A whole ‘nother level.🤣 Today as I look at my life and current situation, I’m getting so excited because of the woman I am becoming. Adversity is not meant to tear you down. Adversity, hard times and disappointments are built to make you stronger. Bounce back regardless of how small, insufficient and undeserving you may feel. Turn your mess around into your message. Give yourself a fighting chance. Get clothed into someone new. Put on your grit and determination. Step into the highest level of yourself. Walk in confidence to your divine destiny and Don’t Stop! Get it! Get it! I’ve learned that I deserve the best and more, and so do you! I’m celebrating today not just because I am here to see another day, but because I’ve learned what Love After Cancer really means. I have accomplished so many things over the past 11 years that I would previously have thought to be impossible. I beat cancer. I started a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Serenity, Courage and Wisdom, Inc. I’ve spoken on dozens and dozens of stages, impacting hundreds of women and organizations, empowering them and educating them either on their own greatness or on gynecologic cancers. I’ve published a book that shares my cancer journey and the mindset I used to get through and continue to use to keep pushing on after cancer, which also serves as an interactive journal that helps the reader share their own story. I’ve impacted and made an impression on so many men, women and children’s lives. I work a job I absolutely love while operating a business I absolutely love. I’ve been able to see my now 13-year-old daughter, Kristyna Rose, grow up. I’ve learned there’s so much more I can accomplish. Much, much more than I can imagine. It. Is. Possible. I wrote ‘Love After Cancer’ because I figured out what loving myself really means. Loving myself in spite of myself. Loving myself enough to keep going on, even when life is tough. Loving myself enough to let toxic people and those who don’t serve me go. Loving myself enough to push past all adversity and still smile. Loving myself enough to pour more into me than I give to others, and I love giving back to others. Loving myself enough to recognize that I must live my abundant life right now and not let it be buried with me, 6 feet underground. So, today on my 11th cancerversary, I choose me. In all of the turmoil and chaos that the world is exuding in today’s time, I choose balance, focus, clarity and vision. I choose the woman I dedicated my book to 2 years ago. I choose the bold me. I choose a woman who was created for greatness in all power, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I choose to be the authentic me, not caring what you think of me and who you think I am. You don’t know me. You have yet to see all of who I am capable of being. Today, I choose her, #LaLuz - The Light. The fierce #TealEagle, who’s flying high above each and every storm. So, as you go about your day. Tell someone why you Speak Against Cancer. #ISpeakAgainstCancer because it tried to take me out, but I’m still here. I’m still here to speak about it so I can help prevent someone else from going through what I’ve been through. #SupportASmallBusiness. #SupportAMinorityBusiness. #SupportAWomenOwnedBusiness. #SupportAnAfricaAmericanWomenOwnedBusiness. #SupportABlackOwnedBusiness. #SupportACancerSurvivor. #SupportAWomanWhoChoosesToFight. #SupportMe. #LAC #SCW #LoveAfterCancer Thank you! Purchase Love After Cancer Here: bit.ly/LoveAfterCancer Give a donation for a survivor: bit.ly/KeeshaBelleFund OR Text to Donate “Give2SCW” to 44-321