“Yes! I am AMAZING!” When was the last time you looked in the mirror and told yourself these words? Has it been THAT LONG? Oh no! NEVER? Today’s a new day and it’s your day to Fall in LOVE...with YOU!
February is synonymous to LOVE. Love for your significant other. Love for your bestfriend. It’s the month filled with red, pink and sometimes purple hearts. It’s even Heart Health Awareness Month. Society teaches us to even wear pink and red, give all sorts of gifts of love, candy and even go on dates with our loved ones to be spoiled on the special date of February 14th.
In addition to seeing hearts, roses and all sorts of flowers, restaurants and hotels filled with loved ones and even their side kicks, February 14th is saturated with endearing words like I Love you, sweetheart, honey and baby. These and other phrases are spread loosely throughout the air.
This leads me back to my initial question. When was the last time you told yourself, “I Love You?” Ephesians 5:29 states that, “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.” How often have you taken time to pay that much attention to yourself? To give yourself that same level of affection, Love and affirmation that you give to others, your spouse, your children, your friends? Do you stop and take a moment to nourish and cherish YOU?
Let this February of 2018 be different for you. Give yourself the gift of Love. I challenge you to take a few steps in another direction that will increase your “Love Life.” The Love Life that should be number one to YOU! You know, your Main Squeeze!
Take the Self-Love Makeover Challenge Today!
1. Write a list of “I Am” sentences that affirm who you are. Read it daily. Look in the mirror and say, “ I love you ______[state your name]_____.” Write down all of the things you love about yourself, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
Joining the Challenge? Download the Self-Love Makeover Worksheet and start the process of loving YOU as the Lord loves the church. Share the Challenge with a friend. Don’t keep this to yourself, as someone else is in need of a Self-Love Makeover!
P. S. Join our Crown Diva TribeWeekly Report so you will not miss another Tribe Post, event or special. Also visit us on Facebook and Join our Crown Diva Tribe. Share your thoughts and experience regarding the Self-Love Challenge. Continue to bring the H. E. A. T. [Hope, Empowerment, Affirmation and Transformation] in your life and see how your life will begin to change!